How You Can Help

Conservations Ambassadors’ Wild Things is a 501(c)3 non-profit wildlife facility. The majority of our operational funding comes from providing wildlife programs to primary and secondary schools, churches and libraries, senior centers, Girl and Boy Scout troops, and a variety of other organizations. Donations allow us to engage in special improvement projects which do not always fit into the daily budget. Donations assist us in bettering Wild Things so that we may continuously provide the level of professionalism and knowledge that we have been associated with for the past three and half decades. Another way to help is by spreading the word! If you’ve enjoyed our programs, let others know to contact us as well!

Mel the Groundhog
Kono the Kookaburra


In the past, donations have allowed us to build a state-of-the-art Reptile Building, make improvements to individual animal habitats, given us technology to assist in performing animal rescue, and provided environmental enrichment for all our wildlife. The donation of the S.W. Allen Wildlife Amphitheater allowed us to bring groups to “Where the Wild Things Are” for an up-close experience. Other items that have been generously donated include office equipment such as laptop and desktop computers, which are invaluable in the desktop publishing, record-keeping, and book-keeping that are required in running a wildlife facility. Let us know if you have an in-kind donation to offer! You can also donate funds directly on our website at our donations page.


At Conservation Ambassadors’ Wild Things, we have many volunteers doing behind the scenes work like web-design, photography, and animal care. The many great relationships we have built with the local community has resulted in phenomenal assistance. We appreciate all those who help in the never-ending effort that goes into the care and housing of the amazing animals that we have the privilege of working with. If you would like to help, please fill out a form on our contact page. Any level of experience is welcome – the main criterion is being passionate about what we do here! (You must be 18 years or older).

Joclynn and Gia
Grandpa the Sulcata Tortoise

Future Plans

Future plans include road improvements and facilities upgrades. We are aiming to replace the structures which currently house the nutrition area, Bird Room, and office – converting them into one large building to serve all of these functions, with an additional area for veterinary care.  We also plan to pave the road leading to the amphitheater, with an area for parking, as well as a walking trail. Future plans always include upgrading animal enclosures as well!

Other Ways To Help

All of these projects require funds which are generally beyond what the current budget allows. Monetary donations are always greatly appreciated. Other ways to help include the donation of:

-Building supplies
-Produce, meat and grains
-Vari-kennels in good condition
-Towels and blankets
-Cleaning supplies
-Services such as printing and vehicle repair

Tico the Capuchin Monkey
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